
APRE has donated 30 million yen towards the recovery efforts following the Noto Peninsula Earthquake.

We extend our deepest condolences to the victims and their bereaved families of the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake, and we express our profound sympathies to all those affected by this tragedy.


APRE has decided to donate a total of 30 million yen, primarily to the severely affected areas such as the cities of Wajima, Suzu, and Noto in Ishikawa Prefecture.

The donation is intended to aid in relief efforts and reconstruction activities in these disaster-stricken areas.


We sincerely hope for the safety of everyone affected by the disaster and for the quickest possible recovery. We also wish for the expansion of the circle of support.


As an initial step, we requested Mayor Miyahashi of Komatsu City, Ishikawa Prefecture, to donate a portion of our contribution to Wajima City on our behalf.

Mayor Sakaguchi of Wajima City also participated in the donation ceremony via an online platform.


■For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact
APRE Co., Ltd. Corporate Headquarters
TEL: 03-5817-8180