Personal Information Protection Policy

APRE Co., Ltd. deeply recognizes that the personal information of our customers, which we handle in the course of manufacturing, processing, and selling precious metal products, is important and constitutes their privacy. We comply with laws and regulations concerning personal information, as well as our internal rules established for its protection. We have put in place an organizational structure and strive to protect personal information appropriately. By doing so, we respect our customers and aim to meet their expectations and trust in our company.

Acquisition, Use, and Provision of Personal Information

We will specify the purposes for which personal information is to be used within the scope of our business activities. We will acquire, use, and provide personal information fairly and appropriately, only to the extent necessary to achieve those purposes. We will also take measures to ensure that the acquired personal information will not be used for purposes other than those specified.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

We will comply with laws, national guidelines, and other norms concerning personal information, as well as uphold social order, and strive to protect personal information appropriately.

Appropriate Management of Personal Information

We are fully aware of the risks of unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, and leakage of the personal information we handle. We will implement reasonable security measures and take appropriate corrective actions if any problems arise.

Response to Inquiries

We will respond appropriately to inquiries from the individual concerned regarding the disclosure, correction, suspension of use, complaints, etc., of the personal information we handle.

Continuous Improvement

We have established management regulations and a management system for personal information protection. These are thoroughly implemented by all employees and are regularly reviewed in an effort to continuously improve our personal information protection management system.  

June 13, 2022 Enacted

- Revised

APRE Co., Ltd.
Representative Director Atsuyuki Kikuchi

Personal Information Inquiry Desk
Address: A-RISE Okachimachi Building, 5-23-14 Ueno Taito Ward, Tokyo
Contact person: Hiromi Yanagi
Telephone number: 03-5817-8180

Personal information handled by our company

We are committed to the appropriate protection of personal information in accordance with our ‘Personal Information Protection Policy’. The following is a description of the personal information that we acquire or retain for the purpose of our business.

(1) Name and address of the business handling personal information, and name of the representative if the business is a corporation

Name of business: APRE Co., Ltd.
Representative Director: Atsuyuki Kikuchi
Address: 5-23-14 Ueno Taito Ward, Tokyo

(2) Name, title, affiliation, and contact information of the personal information protection administrator (or their representative)

Personal information protection administrator (representative): Hiromi Yanagi
Telephone number: 03-5817-8180

(3) Purpose of Use of Personal Information

The purposes for using personal information we handle in the course of its business activities are as follows.

①Retained personal data

Type of personal information: Purpose of use
Business Partner Information: For business management, various communications, billing, and payment management. Employee Information: To be used for operations related to employee management (operations, labor and personnel management, payroll-related operations, employee benefit programs, etc.).
Recruitment Applicant Information: To be used for operations related to recruitment (provision of information related to recruitment, decisions on whether or not to accept a position, contact related to recruitment operations, etc.).
Retiree Information: To communicate with retirees and to respond to inquiries from retirees.
Inquirer Information: To respond to inquiries.
Information on the Person in Question and His/Her Representative (when requesting disclosure, etc.): To respond to requests for disclosure, etc.
Auction Participant Information: For various communications, bidding/auction management, delivery management, and payment/receipt management.
Mail Order Site Member Information: To manage purchases, deliveries, and payments.
  Other purposes of use as specified in writing on a case-by-case basis.

②Personal information acquired otherwise

Type of personal information: Purpose of use

Personal information obtained through contracted work: To be used for contracting, related communication, execution of contracted work, and aftercare, etc. Information acquired from job sites: To be used to determine and notify job applicants of their hiring status.

(4) Inquiries about personal information

Complaints, consultations, and inquiries regarding the handling of personal information, including those related to retained personal data, should be directed to the 【Inquiry Desk】 below.

(5) Name of the accredited personal information protection organization we belong to and the place to submit complaints


(6) Procedures for Disclosure, etc.

We will promptly respond to requests for disclosure and related matters (notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of content, suspension of use, elimination, suspension of provision to third parties, and record of provision to third parties) from the individual concerned regarding retained personal data. Upon request, we will respond within a reasonable period and to a reasonable extent, after confirming that the requester is the individual in question or their representative.

(7) Method and Contact Point for Receiving Requests for Disclosure, etc.

For requests regarding the disclosure of retained personal data, please contact the reception desk indicated below. Upon receiving your contact, we will send you a ‘Request Form for Disclosure of Retained Personal Data’ via mail, fax, or e-mail. Please fill out the form, enclose the necessary documents, and return it to us via mail or e-mail. (Please note that the sender is responsible for the cost of sending the form.) After confirming your identity (or that of your representative), we will respond to your request using your preferred method of disclosure.

(8) Measures taken for the safe management of personal information

To strictly handle personal information, we have established personal information protection regulations based on the personal information protection policy in accordance with JIS Q 15001, and are operating a personal information protection management system. To ensure the proper handling of personal information, we have implemented safety control measures from four perspectives: organizational, human, physical, and technical. For more information on specific safety control measures, please contact us at the following【Inquiry Desk】

【Inquiry Desk】

Name of contact: Personal Information Inquiry Desk
Contact person: Hiromi Yanagi
Address: 5-23-14 Ueno Taito Ward, Tokyo
Phone / Fax: 03-5817-8180 / 03-5817-8181

Handling of Personal Information in Inquiries

(1) Name or title of the business

APRE Co., Ltd.

(2) Name, title, affiliation, and contact information of the personal information protection administrator (or their representative)

Personal information protection administrator (representative): Hiromi Yanagi
Telephone number: 03-5817-8180

(3) Purpose of use of personal information

To respond to inquiries

(4) Provision of personal information to third parties

Personal information obtained will not be provided to third parties except as required by law.

(5) Outsourcing the handling of personal information

We will not outsource all or part of the handling of acquired personal information.

(6) Consequences for not providing personal information

Giving personal information is voluntary. If you do not give us some of your personal information, we may not be able to respond to your inquiry.

(7) Disclosure, etc. of retained personal data and contact for inquiries

Upon the individual’s request, we will comply with requests for disclosure, notification of purpose of use, correction, addition, or deletion of content, suspension of use, elimination, and suspension of provision to third parties (hereinafter referred to as ‘disclosure, etc.’) of retained personal data. Please refer to the ‘Contact for complaints, consultations, etc. regarding our handling of personal information’ section below for the contact information for such disclosure requests.

(8) Acquisition of Personal Information by Methods Not Easily Recognizable by the Individual

We use cookies, web beacons, and other methods to collect personal information in a way that may not be easily noticeable to the individual. Cookies are small information files exchanged between the individual’s computer and our website, used solely to enhance the website’s content and services for a better user experience. Web beacons are technologies that work in tandem with cookies to monitor access from your computer and gather statistics on webpage views. These cookies and web beacons do not collect information that can identify you or your computer. However, if you prefer not to use cookies and web beacons, you can adjust your browser settings to disable them.

(9) Security Control Measures for Personal Information

We will take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information, and to correct it, ensuring the safe management of personal information. After responding to your inquiry, we will delete the acquired personal information within our company.

(10) Personal Information Protection Policy

Please refer to the personal information protection policy on our website.

(11) Contact for complaints, consultations, etc. regarding the Company’s handling of personal information

Name of contact: Personal Information Inquiry Desk
Contact person: Hiromi Yanagi
Address: 5-23-14 Ueno Taito Ward, Tokyo
Phone / Fax: 03-5817-8180 / 03-5817-8181