
Acquisition of Privacy Mark (P Mark)

APRE Co., Ltd. (Head Office: Taito-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Atsuyuki Kikuchi) has obtained the Privacy Mark (P Mark) certification from the Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community (JIPDEC) as of May 2, 2023.


The Privacy Mark system is a third-party evaluation and certification system for businesses that have established a personal information protection management system conforming to the Japanese Industrial Standard ‘JIS Q15001,’ and have implemented a system to handle personal information protection appropriately.


We recognize that the protection of personal information entrusted to us in our business is an important responsibility. We are committed to the thorough management of personal information protection, which is of increasing importance in society..


Registration number: No. 17004629(01)
Effective period: May 2, 2023 – May 1, 2025




As a Privacy Mark certified business, we will continue to maintain and strengthen our system for properly handling personal information.


Please refer to the “Privacy Policy” page for our privacy policy.


■For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact

APRE Co., Ltd. Corporate Headquarters
TEL: 03-5817-8180