
【Attention】 Beware of Fake and Malicious Sales Sites Pretending to be Minebea

We are currently receiving reports of the existence of “fake sales sites” that deceive with our company name, etc. and make it look as if they are operated by our company.


Our company has nothing to do with these fake sales sites. If you use such fake sales sites, there is a risk that your personal information may be fraudulently exploited and that you may not receive your merchandise even after paying for it. Customers are advised not to access fake sites, enter personal information, place orders, or make payments.


If you become a victim, please have the transaction screen, the contents of e-mails exchanged with the counterparty, the counterparty’s information (ID, address, telephone number, account number), bank transfer records, and other documents related to the counterparty at hand, and contact the nearest police station or cybercrime counseling center.


■For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact

APRE Co.,Ltd

Corporate Headquarters
TEL: 03-5817-8180